Susrutha Clinic | Hyderabad

Why Ayurveda

Why Ayurveda

Ayurveda's focus on an individual's holistic health rather than merely the physical body, is the most beneficial aspect of ayurvedic medicine. It works on the principle that a perfect health condition is achievable through the psychosomatic integration in a person. Ayurveda provides us with a unique physical purification method called panchakarma and various ayurvedic herbal health remedies for mental and spiritual well-being.

The ultimate goal of ayurveda is to create a state of holistic health for the individual, consequently, a healthy society and environment with its herbal health remedies. To attain this state ayurveda believes one's life must move in harmony with nature's rhythms and its laws. Because, ayurvedic medicine recognizes the human body is part of nature, rather a microcosm of the universe. The five great elements of the universe forms the three doshas of the human body, and a balance among the three doshas is necessary for the perfect working of the whole mechanism of body, mind and soul.

Good social conduct, morality, good manners and good character are some other factors which are necessary to stay away from diseases. Thus Ayurveda approaches the complete individual while giving instructions about maintaining.

Ayurveda its physical and psychological benefits

According to ayurveda each individual is a combination of the three doshas of vata, pitta and kapha or one of these doshas. The basic constitution represents the individual's psychological and physical nature, distinctly. The tridoshas governs all metabolic activities in an individual. Within each person the doshas are adjusting to countless changes in the doshas of nature, in addition to the changes within one self.

When the mind is stressed the stress hormone cortisone is released by adrenal glands. The level of hormone released affects the total volume of the brain's hippocampus, which regulates our memory. Stress also affects all our decision-making activities in every field of life. Ayurveda stresses on four principles—regulation in ahara (food habit), vihara (activities), nidra (sleeping habit), and maithuna (sexual habit), to maintain the balance and equanimity of the mind. Especially its guidelines for an intelligently regulated diet and daily routine are, now, accepted techniques for stress management.


Ayurveda states that our body is made up of the three doshas or vital energies. They are combinations of the five elements: ether (space), air, fire, water and earth. Vata is a combination of ether and air, Pitta is a combination of fire and water and Kapha is a combination of water and earth.These are called tridoshas and the entire ayurveda is based on these principles. Each of us is born with an individual constitution or prakruti, made up of the three doshas (five elements). Our prakruti is determined by our parent's doshas at the time of conception.

Fundamental principles of Ayurveda

  • Dhatus : These are the basic tissues which maintain and nourish the body. They are seven in number namely- rasa(chyle), raktha(blood), mamsa(muscles),meda(fatty tissue), asthi(bone), majja(marrow) and sukra(reprodutive tissue). Proper amount of each dhatu and their balanced function is very important for good health.Mala- These are the waste materials produced as a result of various metabolic activities in the body. They are mainly urine, feaces, sweat etc. Proper elimination of the malas is equally important for good health. Accumulations of malas cause many diseases in the body.
  • Srotas: These are different types of channels which are responsible for transportation of food, dhatus, malas and doshas. Proper functioning of srotas is necessary for transporting different materials to the site of their requirement. Blockage of srotas causes many diseases.
  • Agni: These are different types of enzymes responsible for digestion and transforming one dhatu to another.

Pacifying Therapy

in which the unbalanced doshas are pacified with in the body itself. As this therapy don’t cleanse the channels of circulation, there is the possibility of reprovocation when exposed to similar causative factors.This therapy is suited in conditions in which there is not much vitiation of the doshas.

Purification Therapy

It is aimed at the complete expulsion of the unbalanced doshas and the purification of the channels of circulation. As the channels are cleansed and strengthened by this process, the chance of recurrence is nil.

The famous ayurvedic physician Charaka Identified four factors that are essential for successful medical treatment. The Physician, the remedy, the nurse, and the patient. The Physician should be an expert in the theory and practice, skillful, and pure in body and mind. Easy availability, appropriateness, utility in a variety of forms and high quality characterize the optimal remedy. The nurse is knowledgeable, skillful, sympathetic and pure.